Sunday, August 03, 2014

Book Review – ‘Work In Your Pajamas: A Guide to Becoming a Freelance Writer’

One of my favorite things about being a freelance writer is trading tips and ideas with fellow freelancers. Now, one of my favorite freelancer friends has put all of her knowledge into a new e-book.

Mandy Robinson’s “Work in Your Pajamas: A Guide to Becoming a Freelance Writer” takes you through the freelance writing process from start to finish. This busy mom details her story of leaving her office job to make money from home as a writer so she could be with her kids. But she also makes it clear that this is a J-O-B and that means she’s had to set serious expectations for herself.

I’ve been working as a writer for more than a decade, but Mandy definitely taught me a few new things in her new book. One of the biggest take-aways: Learn to say no. It’s amazing how many people think that because you work from home you’re available to babysit their kids or chit chat on the phone all day. Believe me, I've been the victim of an impromptu babysitting stint in the middle of a deadline and it’s not pretty. Mandy knows how to just say no, and she also reveals that when her kids are off from school she often works around their schedule – and that could mean writing articles at 3 a.m.!

Mandy specializes in Internet entertainment articles, but she dishes on the best websites to apply to if you want to be any type of online writer. (Hint: find your niche!) But she also issues a warning not to put all of your eggs in one basket, a reminder we all can use as we navigate the writing world.

Her no-nonsense tips and tricks of the trade will give you all the tools you need to get started in a new career as a writer. If you’re ready to take the plunge as a freelancer, I recommend Mandy Robinson’s “Work in Your Pajamas: A Guide to Becoming a Freelance Writer.”  Before long, you’ll be writing books of your own!

You can find a link to buy Mandy’s book here

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