You have to wonder what is going through his mind. Big Brother 8's Evel Dick is a gnarly fellow. He's rude, crude and obnoxious to all of the other house guests (except his daughter Daniele, of course).
A recent episode showed him spouting off the F-word at fellow housemate Jen, then pouring a cup of tea on her head. At least that's what CBS showed. Viewers of the live feeds have reported that it was a much nastier fight than that. Dick said some horrendous things to Jen, things that I won't even repeat here. Now, I am not a Jen fan by any means -- I've been rooting for her to go since Week 1-- but even I have to say the girl is thick-skinned. Dick would have had me running out of the house in tears by now. He is one seriously evil dude.
But the guy is 44. A little old to be acting like this. He's like the school bully, only meaner and much more calculated. Which got me to thinking: is Evel Dick playing a part?
Longtime fans of reality TV no doubt remember Puck Rainey, the uber nasty guy from MTV's Real World San Franscisco. Puck was a major jerk. He berated everyone in the house, had nasty grooming habits, and was all around a very unpleasant person to live with. (Remember the snot rockets and his dirty fingers in the communal peanut butter jar?). Rainey made reality TV history with his antics and his season of The Real World really put that show on the map. Oh, and years before reality show evictions were popular, his roomies voted him out of the house.
Evel Dick reminds me very much of Puck. He's been placed in the house to wreak havoc and he's doing just that. Dick has made no secret of his many many famous friends in L.A. He hangs out with lots of rock stars. He took Cher out to dinner once (so he says). Is he a sometime actor too? I'm starting to think so.
It seems as though Evel is definitely playing the part of Puck. A much older Puck, but actually that's not even so. Puck was on MTV in 1992, so even the ol' Puckster is in his 40's now. I've seen Puck on TV here and there since then (he's married now and the father of 2), and he seems to have grown up a bit since his MTV days. Now I just wonder if Evel Dick will ever grow up, too?
A recent episode showed him spouting off the F-word at fellow housemate Jen, then pouring a cup of tea on her head. At least that's what CBS showed. Viewers of the live feeds have reported that it was a much nastier fight than that. Dick said some horrendous things to Jen, things that I won't even repeat here. Now, I am not a Jen fan by any means -- I've been rooting for her to go since Week 1-- but even I have to say the girl is thick-skinned. Dick would have had me running out of the house in tears by now. He is one seriously evil dude.
But the guy is 44. A little old to be acting like this. He's like the school bully, only meaner and much more calculated. Which got me to thinking: is Evel Dick playing a part?
Longtime fans of reality TV no doubt remember Puck Rainey, the uber nasty guy from MTV's Real World San Franscisco. Puck was a major jerk. He berated everyone in the house, had nasty grooming habits, and was all around a very unpleasant person to live with. (Remember the snot rockets and his dirty fingers in the communal peanut butter jar?). Rainey made reality TV history with his antics and his season of The Real World really put that show on the map. Oh, and years before reality show evictions were popular, his roomies voted him out of the house.
Evel Dick reminds me very much of Puck. He's been placed in the house to wreak havoc and he's doing just that. Dick has made no secret of his many many famous friends in L.A. He hangs out with lots of rock stars. He took Cher out to dinner once (so he says). Is he a sometime actor too? I'm starting to think so.
It seems as though Evel is definitely playing the part of Puck. A much older Puck, but actually that's not even so. Puck was on MTV in 1992, so even the ol' Puckster is in his 40's now. I've seen Puck on TV here and there since then (he's married now and the father of 2), and he seems to have grown up a bit since his MTV days. Now I just wonder if Evel Dick will ever grow up, too?
photo credit: CBS
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