Sunday, July 29, 2007

Big Brother 8: Will Evel Prevail?

I admit, I didn't have high hopes for this season's Big Brother. But I'm happy to report it's turning out to be quite entertaining. The "twist,"  which involved three houseguests coming face to face with their worst enemies, is fizzling. The first two houseguests voted out were Carol and Joe, leaving their mortal "enemies" still in the house. So most of the friction is gone. But the remaining "enemies," a father and daughter named Dick and Danielle Donato, are still in there.

Dick (or Evel Dick, E.D. etc. ) is quickly turning into one of the most entertaining players ever on Big Brother. He's loud and obnoxious. He calls everyone out on their game play. He lets the power of being HOH go to his head, barking orders out at everyone. He smokes like a fiend. He uses the F-word every other sentence. He breaks wind in the middle of important veto meetings. Still, watching him try to rekindle a relationship with his estranged daughter has given the show a heart that I have never seen before.

Meanwhile Danielle, Dick's super skinny daughter, who bears an uncanny resemblance to Anna Nicole Smith, is fending off feelings for hunky housemate Nick, who flirts shamelessly with her even though he knows she has a live-in boyfriend. Who knows if Nick's affections for Danielle are for real or if he is just doing it as part of his strategy? It's causing enough conflict for Danielle that she went crying to her daddy Dick over it.

The Evel Dick and Danielle storyline is by far the most interesting ever on Big Brother. CBS should be praying that neither of them get voted out.

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