Saturday, December 17, 2005

'Reunion' is canceled and I'm lambasting FOX

Lambast (verb). Call on the carpet; reprimand; lecture; bawl out (Websters)
I have never in my life used the word "lambast," but for some reason that is the only word I can think of to describe what I want to do to the FOX network.

OK,  so we all know the show "Reunion" wasn't the greatest. The writing was medicore, there were too many characters, too many twists, etc. etc. Still, when you draw viewers in with an intricate murder plot, dropping new clues each week, isn't it only common courtesy to finish out the series?

FOX has cancleled "Reunion"-- mid series. So the viewers will never know who killed Samantha. I have wasted weeks on this show, hours of my life, and now I'm left hanging??? The writers can't even come up with a quickie way to wrap up the plotlines;  it's too involved, there are too many characters we haven't met yet, etc. I guess I can't blame them for being bitter.

So thanks, FOX. Guess "Reunion" will stay stuck in the year 1995 or so. Which may be what FOX's problem is after all.

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