Thursday, February 21, 2008

Big Brother 9: Worst Cast Ever?

I've delayed reviewing CBS'  latest Big Brother installment, Big Brother 9: Til Death Do You Part, because I'm still scratching my head at the concept-- and at the annoying batch of houseguests.

Sixteen 16 twentysomethings (OK, one of them is 40-something), most of them complete brats, vying for the half million dollar prize. Maybe it's the first-ever "winter" edition of this show that's throwing things off. Either way, there ain't a likeable one in the bunch.

This time the BB "twist" is that the houseguests are working as partners, "couples" if you will. They're supposed to be soul mates, paired together by a series of compatability tests. Trouble is, most of them can't stand their partners!

Of course this makes for some fireworks, which is the whole point. But honestly, I feel as though I'm watching a really bad episode of Jerry Springer every time I tune in to BB9. The low blows that have already occurred, only 2 weeks into the show, are absolutely mind boggling.

One girl outed her boyfriend's racism in an attempt to get him voted out of the house instead of her. One guy called a girl a horse faced b ---h. A couple of others taunted a girl over her father's suicide death, saying she needs a noose "just like her father." There's plenty more trash talk, but not much class in this batch of houseguests.

I like to have someone to root for, an underdog, whatever. But this year there doesn't seem to be anyone, just a bunch of really bad people with really big mouths.

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